KES - Knowledge Excel Services
KES stands for Knowledge Excel Services
Here you will find, what does KES stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Knowledge Excel Services? Knowledge Excel Services can be abbreviated as KES What does KES stand for? KES stands for Knowledge Excel Services. What does Knowledge Excel Services mean?The Marketing company falls under market research category and is located in Ashburn, Virginia.
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Alternative definitions of KES
- King's- Edgehill School
- Keyless Entry System
- Keystone Consolidated Industries, Inc.
- King Edward VI School, Southampton, Hampshire
- Knowledge-based Engineering System
- Kelsey, Manitoba, Canada
- Kuwait English School
- Key Escrow System
View 67 other definitions of KES on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- KEPRI Korea Electric Power Research Institute
- KSEG KS Environmental Group
- KSSL Kiernan Structural Steel Ltd
- KWL Kingstown Works Limited
- KEXKEAG KEX Knowledge Exchange AG
- KWRSCC Keller Williams Realty Sd Central Coastal
- KPL Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd
- KMC Kole Management Company
- KHC Kaya Hse Consulting
- KWLR Keller Williams Lifestyle Realty
- KECC Koba Engineering and Consulting Co
- KISPL Krishna Innovative Software Private Limited
- KWRCG Keller Williams Realty the Chadwick Group
- KMCI Kraft Mortgages Canada Inc.
- KCCU Kingston Community Credit Union
- KEL Kent Employment Law
- KSG Keystone Solutions Group
- KIU Kigali Independent University
- KIOL Kier Infrastructure and Overseas Limited
- KAL Khronos Advisory Limited